Project RRA Documentation

Your go-to solution for hassle-free routine generation!

Hello AIUBians!

Pre-registration? Absolute nightmare, right? First, we’re stuck choosing courses, then hunting down available sections, and then trying to match those sections with our ideal timings. Building a schedule is like a puzzle from hell. And after all that, we don’t even get the sections we want. It's like rubbing salt in a wound 🐸.

Now, we can’t exactly solve the problem of section availability—maybe someday the authority takes steps to fix that. But we can fix the headache of creating the schedule itself. Presenting to you Project RRA! This application is here to save your sanity by building your routine for you.

How It Works

1. Adding Courses

Select your courses from the “Add Courses to Routine” section on the top-left of the page. The total credit count will be displayed at the bottom, so you can keep track of your load.

2. Adjusting Timings

Once you’ve picked your courses, head to the timing section to set your preferred days and times. You’ll see a visual routine updating live on the right-hand side. Check for any clashes and make adjustments as needed.

3. Auto-Generate Routine

Tired of adjusting timings manually? Our Auto-Generate Routine feature has you covered. Select your preferred Start of Day time (e.g., if you don’t want classes at 8 a.m., start your day from 9 or 10—whenever you prefer). Then, set your End of Day time (e.g., if you don’t want classes after 3 p.m., set your end time to 3). Once you’ve chosen your time range, just click “Generate Routine” to create an optimal, clash-free schedule, if available. You can always adjust your start and end times to reduce gaps and create a more compact routine.

4. Section Details

On the right side of the page (or at the bottom on mobile), you’ll find detailed information about each course: available sections, counts, capacities, status, and availability within your chosen timeframe. Ready to grab on pre-registration.

5. Copy Routine NEW

Want to save or share your routine? Simply click the Copy button located at the top-right corner of the routine section. A link will be copied to your clipboard, allowing you to revisit your created routine anytime or share it with your friends.

**All data in this application is fetched directly from our portal. Currently, data updates once a day, but during pre-registration, it will refresh every 5–10 minutes.


The routine generator isn’t foolproof. Sometimes it may not create the perfect schedule, but it will definitely create a near-perfect one. The algorithm is still in beta and hasn’t been tested against all possible scenarios. If you encounter any bugs, please let me know—I’d love to hear from you!

Currently, credits per course[used to show credit load] couldn’t be fetched from the portal, as there is no centralized place to obtain all of them at once. Therefore, some errors may occur due to human input. If you find any, please let me know.

Please use responsibly, and if you encounter any bugs or information mismatches, let me know.

Meet the Developer

Md Muinul Islam (Muin)

Code Name: Onukrom

Contact & Social Links
